This afternoon, thanks again for joining us. Including all the worldwide web out there, again, if you have questions, please email them to katroo. So, Jay Lewis le W is she is on Firebird. Well, this is all time to shine here at hrs see for the retirement overview benefit overview section first part. I'm gonna do most of the retirement, the electrician's gonna come in this afternoon to discuss the retirement process. So, my name is Valerie Hobson, our section chief is Mr. John Christie. He's actually outside. I'd like to introduce our specialists: Phyllis Wellborn, Patricia Lewis, Theresa Mars, and Laverne Wofford. Laverne is not here right now, but she will be in later. She is the glue that holds our organization together, so she keeps us tight. As you can see, we all service different divisions. We do have a new division Omaha, and I will be servicing that one. So, we will update the slides with that as well. I like this slide here because it shows the division we serve, but just to let you know, all of the specialists on this chart, there's not one that is any better than the other. We're all subject matter experts when it comes to retirement and benefits. So, if your service specialist is not available, please feel free to contact any of the other specialists on the chart. Sorry, I lost my clicker somewhere. So, the first topic is advisory. This is one of those tricky words that we kind of stay away from. Our job is to provide you with information regarding your retirements and benefits. It is up to you to make your choice of what you would like to do with your retirements and benefits. So, we provide you with the information so you...
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