We're basically in a limestone cave carved out of the bluff about a half a mile into the limestone quarry. I'm Kym Gentilly, assistant director of civilian personnel records for the National Personnel Records Center, which is part of the National Archives. We're in Valmeyer, Illinois, in our annex facility. The National Archives can take on any size scanning project by working with another federal agency. No procurement action necessary. Once the es come in, we track the es back, winning them in has received. We check the manifest to make sure that there are no discrepancies in anything. We print out a block over each file. By allowing the National Archives to digitize an agency's record, the agency does not have to invest in the equipment and manpower to make that digitization happen. Our files that we work with contain a large amount of private information: Social Security numbers, names, dates of birth, addresses. By having federal employees work with these records, we go through security checks, and as federal employees, we are sworn to protect that information. Every so many images, you would like to stop and just check to make sure that your images came through correctly. We check every image. I'm the first step of quality control. The computer automatically rejects images that it feels aren't clear, if it's speculative or if the image is hard to read. We can change the settings and make it more clear. The second step of faulty control, I'm checking all the documents in the folder to make sure that there's a clean, legible document for the customer to read. Working with the federal record centers was a pleasure. I'm John Dylan, a fish biologist. I work for the US Army Corps of Engineers at Bond of Hope Dam. We've...
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National archives & records valmeyer il 62295 Form: What You Should Know
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing National archives & records valmeyer il 62295